disciple of Jesus, husband, father, apostle

A Witness from 1861


I continually search for those who have seen the Kingdom throughout the present age and was blessed to discover this brother named Horace Bushnell. Horace was a deep spiritual thinker who shared some revolutionary things for his day. A prolific writer, Horace published over 20 books and brought out some things people in his day had never heard. He definitely had a heart for Zion and is worth reading after. As a disclaimer, I have not read everything Horace wrote, and as we have discovered is the case for many other brothers who had amazing insight (think Luther and Calvin) Bushnell may have some unbiblical and unpleasant views. That notwithstanding, what I have read of this brother is encouraging.

Following is an excerpt from his book “Building Eras in Religion” published in 1881.

“We have been split up, for example, by many thousand debates, trying to settle bases of unity by the settlement of opinions. But these notional points or entities breed, as we find, only sects and sub-divisions without end, and all our longings after the complete fellowship are disappointed.”

“But when these nits of opinion are all hatched, these dissidences all worn out, and the ” one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in all,” begin to be felt as the uppermost fact and grandest faith, before which all opinions are to be schooled into their places, by that time we sink as it were in final gravitation downward on the state of unity. We shall flow together, most likely, with an ardor of brotherhood now inconceivable. The roadways will be rivers of men, crowding downwards on the centres of appointed fellowship, and the assemblies gathered will not be satisfied with anthems that are not as the waves of the sea.”

“And so again it will be, when the immense imposture of the Popehood goes down. When that priesthood and all priesthood goes down, letting God’s armies of believers forth into the enlarged liberties of his kingdom, it will be the new grand birth-day morning of Christian brotherhood. Protestant is no more, Catholic is no more, but Christ is all, and there will be no cathedrals large enough to be more than side chapels of the Grand Houses of Unity now required. St. Peter’s will now dwindle to a toy, and the great koinonials, if so we please to call them,—cathedrals they will not be,—will so far have their place.”

“There will here be no pulpits, it may be, or preaching-stands; no altar, for the sacrifice is ended, gone by for ever; no priest or priestly vestments, for Christ the only and last priest is gone up on high; there will be no dividing screen behind which, in their choir, the canons are heard chanting out of sight in male voice only: but the whole wide space within, crowded from wall to wall with its many thousand worshipers, will be itself the choir, canons all themselves, male and female, lifting their own grand hymn, or Hallelujah together; so that, as the gospel itself is not a salvation for half the world but for all, the glorious sopranos will now have their part, floating clear above and fluting heavenly sanctities on the top of so great masses of sound.”

Horace Bushnell

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By theplowman
disciple of Jesus, husband, father, apostle

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