disciple of Jesus, husband, father, apostle

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My Journey Towards the Kingdom
I grew up in church. My family attended a Church of God, Anderson since I can remember. Somewhere along the way I lost my way. The Lord found me at a Union Rescue Mission and I have been dynamically changed ever since. Over the past 40 years I have served in almost every capacity in the modern church: children’s minister, youth minister, Christian Education Director, Worship Leader, Outreach Director, and Senior Pastor.

Then the Lord chose to reveal His Son in me and to me.

My Journey Towards the Apostolic
I began to sense a clear grace of revelation concerning the unfolding purpose of God as manifest through the Body of Christ when I was in my early 30’s. The more I studied and prayed, I realized the Lord was developing an apostolic grace within me. I wrestled with it for years, trying to accept and believe what the Spirit was speaking to me. I had seen many who called themselves apostles and wanted nothing to do with their expression.

Around the age of 40 I clearly saw the grace of apostleship rest upon me. It was confirmed through several mature saints and I began operating as an apostle. I can solemnly testify that much of what is labelled “apostolic” is inaccurate. I encourage you to read my posts and essays on the apostolic for a more accurate description of the character and work of those with a legitimate apostolic grace.

My Mandate
I am appointed to those who are journeying with God outside the camp of traditional Christianity. Apostles have clearly defined boundaries regarding their mission and message. To exceed those is to operate outside of the Lord’s intent and only leads to confusion. Those whom the Lord brings to me I serve, equip, mend, and release. I refuse to argue with those who do not have a heart for Zion. Nor do I lay with the Bride to procreate after my own kind. My work is primarily through writing, small group studies, and one-on-one mentoring. I seldom speak in churches because the message I have been invested with is directly opposed to the church system.

disciple of Jesus, husband, father, apostle

Site Artwork and Images

All artwork and images on my site are used either with permission or have been purchased through Adobe Stock. The cover image is of the sculpture titled “Sodbuster” by Luis Jimenez.