disciple of Jesus, husband, father, apostle

Resilient Faith


Overcoming digital babylon

This book is the first in a series that considers how disciples of Jesus can develop and maintain Resilient Faith in the midst of Digital Babylon. Resilient Faith is developed through conversational intimacy with the Lord, habits of devotion, and vocational mission.

Babylon is presented in the Bible as humanity’s effort to reach into the heavens. Babylon is also a metaphor that describes the chaotic, self-willed, self-seeking spirit that drives humanity toward a place devoid of God.

Disciples of Jesus must walk according to the new creation to overcome Babylon. That may require significant changes to our social life, how we entertain ourselves, what we invest ourselves in, and what we set before our eyes.

disciple of Jesus, husband, father, apostle

Site Artwork and Images

All artwork and images on my site are used either with permission or have been purchased through Adobe Stock. The cover image is of the sculpture titled “Sodbuster” by Luis Jimenez.