disciple of Jesus, husband, father, apostle

Giants In Our Land


We were born into a fallen world. Each one of us has experienced negative circumstances as either a consequence of our choices or because of the consequences of Adam’s choice. Regardless of the struggle, we all have giants in our land – our “land” being a metaphor for our person. For a moment, consider your person (spirit, soul, and body) to be the land of promise: that place where the Lord seeks to establish His kingdom and exercise His dominion. Just like Israel, we are called to co-labor with the Lord to posses our land. Unfortunately, just like Israel, so many abdicate their responsibility to posses their land because the giants are too big. As we read in both the old and new testaments, this posture did not please the Lord.

Too often, believers in Christ stray from the simplicity of taking God at His word. Or worse, they change their theology to fit their experience. Too often fervent prayer gives way to frustration and doubt. But remember, we are growing in our faith and the Word is at work in us to accomplish the Father’s will.

Consider Abraham, who…

Without becoming weak in faith he contemplated his own body, now as good as dead since he was about a hundred years old, and the deadness of Sarah’s womb; yet, with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully assured that what God had promised, He was able also to perform.

Rom 4:19-21 NASB

Abraham did not pretend there was no problem. No, he contemplated his own body and Sarah’s body. Yet, he preferred God’s Word over his natural condition, did not waver in unbelief, and received the promise. We know that in Christ the promises of God are “Yes,” therefore we say “Amen – so be it.” All that is left is to clearly determine the will of God regarding our circumstance.

Why do some receive immediate answers to prayer and others don’t? I don’t know. But I do know His word will not return to Him without accomplishing His purpose. I also know we must cooperate with God to see His will come to pass. Often that cooperation is standing in faith without wavering, knowing that he Word is testing us as we abide in Him.

Consider Joseph, about whom the Psalmist writes…

Until the time that his word came to pass, The word of the LORD tested him.

Psa 105:19 NASB

So what does it mean to posses our person – our land? It means that we work together with God to eradicate all that is not of His kingdom and purpose in our lives. We must be ruthless, and leave nothing of the old self alive. That means taking thoughts captive unto the obedience of Christ. That means setting a guard over our mouths so that we do not transgress the Word. That means distancing ourselves from patterns of life that are contrary to the Word. That means taking up the shield of faith and sword of the Spirit and fight! For it is the Lord who teaches our hands to war.

The Lord expected Israel to believe Him and act upon His Word. But Israel left some kings in the land, and they became the source of trouble and compromise. We don’t negotiate with the old self. We don’t re-member what God is dis-membering. For if we do, there is a door open for us to return to former ways of life. Jesus affirmed this position when, on several occasions, He rebuked the disciples for their lack of faith. It is clear He expected the disciples to not fear the wind and waves, to feed the multitude, and proclaim the Kingdom of God with signs following. Unfortunately, many believers posture themselves in direct disagreement with the Word. They are double-minded and therefore should expect to receive nothing.

Whether our giant is disease, anxiety, jealousy, greed, or whatever else is contrary to the Kingdom, the Lord expects us to believe His Word and dispossess the giants in our land. We are called to enter into His rest, after finishing our work as God did His. That work will include standing in and acting on our faith, for faith without works is dead.

Is your giant an incurable disease? Psalm 103 says He forgives all our iniquities and heals all our diseases! Either this is true or it’s not. He surely doesn’t forgive some of our iniquities. Therefore we must concur that His will is to heal all of our diseases. Some might say, “I know of a person who stood in faith and didn’t get healed.” Well, so do I. But that doesn’t change the revealed will of God. We may not understand the why, but since the will of God is clear, we must be willing to consider other reasons.

Is your giant anxiety? Phil. 4:6 encourages us that through prayer and supplication, the peace of God which passes our natural mind, will guard our heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Does this mean we won’t ever feel anxiety? Of course not. But in that moment we have a choice to take the Lord at His word and speak His word over our mind. I once had an extreme fear of flying due to an unexpected demonic attack. Eventually the time came where I was in need of getting on an airplane and it was a fierce battle. My only anchor was the Word – and a sure anchor it is! I got on the plane, anxiety tried to come on me, but I cooperated with the Spirit to possess my land, and He gave me the victory!

Beloved we must realize that we are at war! A common theme in modern Christianity is that Jesus did it all, so I just need to rest in Him. This is not the appropriate posture. The Lord is waiting for His enemies to be made a footstool for His feet. Who do you suppose the agent of that reality is? It is you and me, confronting and dispossessing the giants in our land. We will come into rest after the land is taken. Now I can rest on the plane because the king of anxiety is defeated – he has become a footstool for the Lord.

Now let me be clear, I am not suggesting a name-it-claim-it gospel that acts to further ones own interests and lusts. However, too many believers discount the truth of believing the Word because of the excesses and errors of some saints. However, it is unwise to blatantly adopt a posture that denies the revealed will of God. As a dear brother once said, “Faith begins where the will of God is known.” Do we know the revealed will of God? Then we can do warfare with the Word to overcome the giants in our land.

“Thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place.” 2 Cor. 2:14

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By theplowman
disciple of Jesus, husband, father, apostle

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